Marvel comic vs movie is an idea I had to basically join different generations of marvel fans. The older generation didn’t have the movies that we have today obviously they read the comics. The creators of marvel movies have taken the comic books and not only brought the characters to life but also took a more modern spin on them. My goal for this site is for people to see both sides of the marvel world the comic world which came first but also how the movies changed from the comics. I want to take each movie and show how the characters are different how their suits change but also how the story lines and villains change as well. I really hope you enjoy the content on my site it's my way of expressing my love for marvel but not just one aspect of it all of it!
My name is Aaron Reinheimer and I’m a huge comic book fan. I love DC, Marvel, even other comics that aren’t so big but my favorite is definitely Marvel. I grew up in the Bronx, NY born and raised city kid always loved superheroes and comics as well as the cartoons like x-men and Spiderman. I always lived in the fantasy world and for me growing up comic books were my escape. Now I’m so happy to have superhero movies I mean what a time to be alive we get to see comic books come to life with some of our favorite actors! But I think some people forget were all these movies came from I hope I help with connecting the gap between comic books and the movies!