This project will test your knowledge of JavaScript and ask you to apply everything you've learned in this course. The result will be a web app that you can add to your portfolio. You have a wide range of possibilities to choose from: a blog users can comment on; an app that allows users to search for social media posts; or even an application that logs users geolocations. Work with your instructor to create project goals that are realistic given the scope and timing of the class.
Your instructional team will provide feedback on how well you execute best practices. Even though it is not part of the requirements, you should keep these in mind:
Single Page Applications (SPA) are all the rage today. The single page aspect of a SPA refers to a single page coming from the server, such as our index.html page. Once loaded, the SPA changes views by using client-side routing, which loads partial HTML snippets called templates. The goal for you implementing a SPA is to not make users have to refresh the entire DOM every time they need a new piece of data to be represented in the UI.
Monday 6th July | Project idea & list of possible APIs to use |
Wednesday 15th July | Final HTML/CSS code, draft of basic API functionality and DOM manipulation code |
Monday 20th July | Completed project & presentation! |