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capture your dog's most precious moments.

check out comissioned pieces.


Here's Lou

Lou is super quiet and friendly. He'll follow you around and roams around freely.

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Meet Arielle

She loves pumpkins and always has her tongue sticking out!


Here's Joel

He flaunts his fluff around. Everyone loves him.

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Sudo is a DJ and performs at different clubs around the world.

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Meet Wally

You won't even notice that he's around but is super needy so giving him a headrub would be nice :)

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The Legendary Rocky

Rocky is the neediest do whether you're sitting and working or standing.

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I forgot this dog's name.

She once followed me randomly and came up for head rubs.

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Cooper cries for attention often but he can do cool tricks like jump and fetch a ball.

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It's Sudo again!

Doesn't he look comfy?

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The spokes-dog of Wolf Gang Pup Bakery

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Meet Derek

Biggest sports fan!

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Donut Dog

Dog holding onto a donut.