Fruits Update a Fruit

Learning objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to create a route that will receive the submission of the form in /fruits/edit. This route will update a fruit document in the fruits collection in their MongoDB Atlas database.

The update route

In the next section, we will focus on building the update route. This route is the final component in completing the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionalities of our application. The update route is responsible for processing the data submitted from the edit form and applying those changes to the corresponding item in the database.

In keeping with RESTful routing conventions, the url for this route will be /fruits/:fruitId

Create the route

To allow users to update a fruit’s details, we need to set up an update route. This route will handle PUT requests sent from the edit form on the Edit page. The URL pattern for this route is /fruits/:fruitId, where :fruitId represents the unique identifier of the fruit being updated.

Like the create route, the update route requires special data handling for the isReadyToEat property. This property, being a checkbox in our form, sends different values based on whether it’s checked or not, and we need to handle this in our route to ensure it aligns with our database schema.

The update route is unique as it specifically deals with PUT requests. Since it does not conflict with other routes, its placement within server.js can be flexible. However, it should be positioned after any middleware and before the app.listen() function.

In this route, we will employ the Mongoose findByIdAndUpdate() method. This method allows us to update a specific document in the MongoDB database based on its unique ID. Since this is an asynchronous operation, we’ll utilize async/await to ensure the operation completes before proceeding.

Let’s add the following in server.js:

// server.js

app.put("/fruits/:fruitId", async (req, res) => {
  // Handle the 'isReadyToEat' checkbox data
  if (req.body.isReadyToEat === "on") {
    req.body.isReadyToEat = true;
  } else {
    req.body.isReadyToEat = false;
  // Update the fruit in the database
  await Fruit.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params.fruitId, req.body);

  // Redirect to the fruit's show page to see the updates

After updating the fruit in the database, it’s a good practice to redirect the user back to a relevant page. In this case, we redirect the user to the show page of the updated fruit. This provides immediate visual confirmation of the changes.

We can now test the route by submitting our form. Make sure you are redirected correctly and can see your changes.

You did it!

If you can see your newly updated fruit, you have successfully performed your final CRUD operation, Update. Congrats!

With this final route we have full CRUD and all seven RESTful routes on the fruit model! Well done! 🎉